Sunday, June 17, 2012

Unclutter thy mind

As I begin to write this post, at this very moment, I am unsure of what I will write next. There are so many things I want to say which in turn could be expressed in so many ways. What to say? How much to write? Where and how too phrase it? My temples throb violently and my brain gives small migraines every time I try to focus on something. These random uncontrolled voices in my head clutter my mind, paralyze my thinking and make me want to run away from it all every now and then. It is screwing my life.

I wonder what are the reasons for this annoyance. Is it because I think too much? Or is it because I act so little? Maybe because life is so full of external escapisms that I no longer use my brain as much as I need to. Perhaps, sitting in front of the computer, facebooking and surfing the internet whole day has royally screwed my minds ability to gather, sort, process and use whatever knowledge I accumulate.

Maybe somewhere down the line, we simply stop caring about our mind. As long as the money is coming in, as long as things are not 'that' badly screwed up, everything is fine. Really fine. Keep doing what you are doing and things shall fall in place, you say. But that voice doesnt die. It keeps reminding of all things that could be, should be, have to be. And you try to shut it down by engaging in some useless activity like watching television.

I guess the solution would be to unclutter your life by engaging in only those meaningful activities which mean something to you. Focus your energy on one thing at a time. Giving it your all by shutting down everything else at will. If something keeps popping up every now and then, maybe because it means something to you. Address it with the attention it deserves. Do something about it. Maybe that will leave you in some peace.