Thursday, January 23, 2014

Philosophy of Life

There is a difference between living and existing. You exist. But do you really live life as you want to?

There is no correct way to live life. Every man is different and is a product of his own experiences and thoughts. To each his own.

But more often than not, people live life with some set of rules. Consciously or subconsciously, we are guided by a few set of rules which direct our thinking and our action. Big decision or small decision - we operate within a fixed paradigm. Like it or not, people operate within a certain philosophy of which most of them are not even aware of.

I have always operated with a more idealistic philosophy of life. Do what is right. Be strong enough to do what is right. It is easier to give in to temptations and later blame it as a mistake. It is not really a mistake if you do it intentionally, is it? Most people are in some strange rat race where they compete for money and fake friendships and that elusive social status. They put others opinions above their owns. Not me. I would prefer to be alone than hangout with some phony losers who are basically all the same. Rats.

Of late, my thoughts have been troubling me a lot. Why be right when you can be smart? Why choose to empower people when you can fool them and take advantage of them? Why even bother to think about conscience and virtues when you can have money and fake social value? Unfortunately, the world does not operate on morals and values. You win or you lose. You screw someone or someone screws you. If you have any sense of right or wrong, you are weak. If you are an absolute asshole, you are ambitious. Strange times!

I guess it is better to define one's philosophy consciously in order to bring more awareness, more productivity, more success and more happiness. People change with time and there is no point in rigidly sticking to something. Our thoughts evolves and so our belief structure should be flexible and in sync with our true selves.

Whats mine? I want to find out. And I am sure it will keep evolving with time.
But here it goes anyway.
1. Love yourself. Be proud. Keep pushing yourself to what you want to be. Push but never let negativity get you. Keep loving yourself.
2. Respect time. Time once gone will never come back. This moment is all you will ever have. Act. Do. Live.
Don't wait. Waiting will make you older. Doing will make you feel younger. And wiser. So, prioritize and be a doer.
3. Keep in sync with nature. If you want to scream, scream. Dance when you want to. Sing out loud. If you are hungry, eat! Don't wait for lunch. Same with sleep. Listen to yourself. Let nature guide you.
4. Set goals. Very important. Getting better is good. Getting faster is better. Be SMART.
5. Open up. Make friends. Say hi to everyone possible. Wish them genuinely. Do good. Be good. And don't be afraid to make enemies. The fact is there are no saints around. Give everyone a chance. Then make them pay for it. Like I mentioned in point3, conflicting with your nature will only make you sad. Anger and Fear are powerful emotions but when used wisely, can bring happiness and success. Just think about it.