Friday, May 1, 2009


Hey there and welcome to my first blog ever. Its been a long time since I wanted to have my own blog but being the gifted procrastinator that I naturally am I always found some reason not to start one. But now I have finally done it and would try to be a regular sincere blogger. This being my first blog I don't really know what I should write into it. But I think I will try to tell a little bit about myself and give you a fair idea of what to expect from this blog.

So what do you want to know about me? Don't answer that one coz I am not going to answer it anyways :P. I will reveal only what I want to. I am a young boy from Mumbai, a computer engineer by profession and currently working in a software firm based here in Mumbai itself. Although I think of myself as a gentleman I think I am quite boorish and unsocial. Someone who likes his own space and is not at all interested in the majority of the people he meets. I respect my privacy and anyone who crosses it has to face my psychotic wrath. I like to philosophise and think about life, mans ideas, his ideals and what not. Theres a lot more I can write about myself but I will save it for some other time.

Moving on to what you can expect from this blog. The answer is anything and everything. The primary thought was to create a medium to vent out my frustrations and sort my thoughts. But at this precise moment I have not much idea myself about what I will write, how much will I reveal about my personal life so thats for you to wait and see. But since this is a personal blog I would like to talk about my experiences in life, my ideologies and philosophies, my observations, things which all of us should know, my ratings on movies, books and stuff plus all other things that occupy my mind( believe me its a big jumble up there).

So heres expecting you to follow my blog. Any ideas, views or comments are always welcome.

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